people sitting at conference table

Marketers Need to do Less

Conflicting priorities are a plague on marketing productivity. To focus on the right work and say “no” to everything else, we need effective workflows, empowered teams, and supportive leaders. If you’re ready to focus, we're ready to help.

Pesky Prioritization Problems

When we try to spread out effort and energy out over multiple top priorities, a funny thing happens: all of those things we thought we were focused on take way longer than they should have. Context switching – jumping back and forth between tasks – is the culprit.

Effects of Context Switching

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How Marketers Can Accomplish More by Doing Less

Instead of splitting our attention over lots of projects, activities, or campaigns, we need to ruthlessly prioritize just the most important ones. This means debating and agreeing with other teams, leaders, and stakeholders on what really matters to the business right now.

Get all the interested parties together and put everyone’s ideas out in the open. Brainstorm freely, focusing on the marketing work that’s most likely to support well-known organizational goals.

Choose a rigorous approach to determine which ideas bubble up to the top. You don't want to default to choosing only ideas from senior leaders; the best ideas should prevail.

Once priorities have been agreed on, don't let them get derailed (unless there's a really good reason). Marketing leaders should protect their teams so they can focus their efforts.

Ready to Tackle Your Prioritization Problems?

AgileSherpas’ prioritization bootcamp takes this thorny problem and breaks it down into manageable steps. In just 6 weeks you’ll have a handle on one of the biggest barriers modern marketers face.

Don't climb alone. Bring a Sherpa.