Coaching for Agile Marketing Teams

No matter how good your map, you need real-time guidance on your Agile marketing journey. AgileSherpas’ extended coaching and consulting options keep a Sherpa by your side as you navigate the first 6-18 months of your ascent towards marketing agility.

Get guidance on your Agile journey

Embrace the 70-20-10 Learning Model

Only 10% of adult learning takes place during a formal classroom setting. The remaining 90% happens while applying those lessons, and coaches help make sure that application happens consistently and continually.

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20% Learning From Others

Coaching and mentoring helps put new concepts into practice, while also facilitating peer-to-peer learning among colleagues and communities of practice.

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70% Learning from Experience

Coaches model effective behavior and create situational learning opportunities so marketers – and their leadership – can get hands-on experience with new ideas. 

Choose the coaching approach that matches your agile journey stage

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Pilot team coaching

When the first team or two is changing how they work, they need strong support from an experienced guide. 

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Leadership coaching

Leaders need to model shifts in mindset and behavior; coaches help make sure it happens.

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Systems coaching

As the marketing function evolves over time, a systems coach monitors its health and plans its future.

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Agile team coaching

No matter how experienced an agile team gets, they can benefit from an outsider’s perspective on their ways of working.

Don't climb alone. Bring a Sherpa.
